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Nearby Attractions in Ooty

Nearby Attractions in Ooty

There are more than 40 nearby attractions in Ooty. All these nearby attractions in Ooty could not be visited in one day. You need to stay at least for four days to enjoy them all in leisure. However if you are planning for one day weekend picnic, then you can select the must see places and plan your time accordingly. Hiring a good taxi man will help you to choose the important places and spend your time wisely.


There are local public and private buses and vans that take you around the nearby attractions in Ooty. They start at particular time of the day and return at fixed time. They charge on per head basis and if you are traveling on budget you can avail one of them to enjoy your time without damaging your pockets.

Last Updated: 30/04/2012

Disclaimer: The details are purely for reference purposes only.

  • Tea Museum

    Kil Kuppamand, Ooty

    Distance from Ooty :6 km;

    Time to Reach from Ooty :0h, 9 m

    Tea Museum is also called Tea Factory and has the capacity to produce different qualities of tea. The museum functions in a two storey building and has a huge hall where you can see the tea leaves driers. The hall has large boards where you can learn the history of tea plantation in Ooty and about t...

    More »
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