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Jama Masjid, The Royal Mosque in New Delhi


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    Distance from New Delhi : 2 km;

    Time to Reach from New Delhi : 0 h, 3 m

Jama Masjid – The Royal Mosque Jama Masjid at Delhi is one of the oldest and largest mosques in India having the capacity to accommodate 25,000 devotees at a time. It was constructed by Shahjahan over a period of six years from 1650 to 1656.


It has a big hall with 260 pillars and houses a mausoleum of Sultan Ahmed Shah. The mosque has three gates and many steps on each side. The whole structure stands on a platform of five feet high and houses a treasure room with the rare collections like hair and slippers of Prophet Muhammed. Non Muslims are not allowed to enter from 12.30 P.M. to 2 P.M.

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