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Rock Garden in Chandigarh


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    Distance from Chandigarh : 5 km;

    Time to Reach from Chandigarh : 0 h, 7 m

Rock Garden is a sculpture garden also known as Nek Chand’s Rock Garden. It was founded by Nek Chand in 1957 and at present it spreads over an area of about 40 acres of land. It is situated near Sukhna Lake and has manmade waterfalls and other sculptures entirely made of scraps and wastes such as bottles, glasses, ceramic pots, electrical waste, etc.


Chand started to make the sculptures from the recycled materials in a forest near Sukhna Lake and was doing this secretly for 18 years and it was founded by the authorities in 1975. At that time it has spread about 12 acres of land with sculptures of dancers, musicians and animals. Then the park was inaugurated in 1976 and he was given a team of workers to concentrate full time in his works. The collection centers for collecting the waste, rags and ceramics were established all over the city and with this the park was established. About five thousand people visit the park every day.


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