Tuensang District

Population: 196,801 (2011)

State: Nagaland

Language: Nagamese, English

Headquarters: Tuensang


Area: 1728 square kilometers

Density of Population: 90 people per square kilometer

Literacy Rate: 73.70 % - Male: 76.76 %, Female: 70.40 %

Male Female Ratio: 1000:930


Boundaries of Tuensang District


North East: Mon District, Nagaland

North: Longleng District, Nagaland

South: Kiphire District, Nagaland

West: Mokokchung District and Zunheboto District, Nagaland


Tuensang District Rainfall: Ranges from 800 mm to 3500 mm

Tuensang District Maximum Temperature in Summer: 30 deg C

Tuensang District Minimum Temperature in Winter: 5 deg C





Major Rivers: Dikhu River, Tizu River

Blocks: Chare, Longkhim, Noksen, Sangsangyu, Noklak, Shamator, Thonoknyu, Chessore

Assembly Constituencies: Pungro-Kiphire, Siyuchong Sitimi, Thonoknyu, Shamtorr Chessore, Tuensang Sadar I, Tuensang Sadar II, Noklak, Longkhim Chare, Noksen, Longleng, Tobu


Tuensang District Nearby Attractions


1. Fakim Wildlife Sanctuary

2. Changsangmongko

3. Longtrok Village

4. Tsadang Village

5. Cheshorr Village


Tuensang District Facts: It is one of the 3 most backward districts of Nagaland receiving funds from the Backward Regions Grant Fund Program. The highest peak in the state, Mount Saramati measuring to an altitude of 3840 meters is located here. This serves as the home of the Likhimro Hydro Project started in 2001.  


Major Agricultural Products: Rice, millet, maize, taro, pumpkin, beans, squash, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, soybeans, water guard, sorgum


Major Horticultural Products: Guava, orange, lemon, pears, plum, papaya, peach, pine apple


Flora: Bonsum, bogipoma, khasi pine, oaks, amari, gamari, hillock, nahor, uriam, alder, kachnar, sasi


Fauna: Tiger, panther, jungle cat, Himalayan bear, bison, sambar, barking deer, wild boar, slender loris, Indian horn bill, tragopan pheasant, grey pheasant, jungle fowl, green pigeon, doves


Mineral Resources: Coal, asbestos, limestone, chromite, pyrite, slate and phyllite, oil


What is Tuensang District Famous For: Cane works and handicrafts


Famous People From Tuensang District: C. M. Chang


People: Changs, Sangtams, Yimchunger, Khiamniungans, Aos, Semas


Festivals: Naknyulum, Tsokum, Mongmong, Metemneo


Tuensang District Pin Codes

Last Updated : Thursday Jun 14 , 2012