Why Marketing Activities Need To Be Redefined

Modern day marketing has shifted from just creating or satisfying needs, with so much competition companies are inventing at a rate that customers lose track of what is happening.  In such a volatile and uncertain atmosphere marketing activities of companies have become more emotion driven and less product driven, simply because the emotions of two different people meet at some point and that point is what these companies have managed to figure out.

So if marketing is not about creating or satisfying needs then what is it turning into? Rocket science? Well no, marketing is now the art of telling stories.  A marketer who is successful in telling a story, a story that is easily understood and a story that is a part of everyday lives. In the recent past, there a number of campaigns that do not want to sell, they are not targeted to convey information as well, they are amazing commercials that simply tell a soft touching story and they, in most cases are a hit with the audience.

It does not only take a lot of effort from the creative front, but a lot of understanding of the target market to be able to deliver such marketing campaigns. One famous team of professionals who are experts at this stuff are the people at Apple Inc. they are simply amazing, they build amazing products and their keynotes have become key events in the technological world, the keynotes are stories that Apple Inc. gives out into the market. These stories are given out to the most important people in the tech industry, the geeks, the people who are capable of taking it and spreading it far and wide. The result is right in front of you. They have seen sales of the iPhone touch levels that are touch to manage. They sell one iPhone every 5 seconds, is that an easy job? I believe no, the only way they made it is by telling an amazing story, a story of ease of use, a story of being the smartest of them all, the story of being the most beautiful device out there.

 Rahul Gonsalves for www.naashtapaani.com

Article Posted By : ceorahulgonsalveslView All Articles

CEO and Founder of www.naashtapaani.com with a keen interest in marketing and HR.

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Keywords :
marketing , modern marketing


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