A Good Beginning Is Work Half Done - The Role Of A Good Start In A Presentation


The opening parts of any presentation are the most stressful but also the most important. The following is to be kept in mind:

  1. Feeling confident
  2. The first three minutes
  3. Objectives or benefits?
  4. Starting with impact
  5. Using humor


  1. Feeling confident:

In a business environment most presentations are designed to influence, it is thus essential to be confident while speaking during a presentation.

  • It is important to have a plan to build confidence, and this possible if you know the real benefits that your presentation has to offer.
  • Get feedback and take information from the experienced colleagues that will help enrich the presentation.
  • It is important for the presenter to remember that he has something unique and special to offer.
  • The presenter should rehearse the presentation matter thoroughly before the presentation.
  • The non verbal aspects like looking good are equally important for the presenter.
  • The presenter should also talk and interact with the audience.


  1. The first three minutes:

The first three minutes of any presentation should be clear, with the right tone and and simulating to create interest in the audience.

  1. Presenters can say a humble vote of thanks to their audience for coming
  2. If the starting of the presentation is positive the presentation is accepted positively.
  3. The presenter can also use Hooks-a technique used to grab attention of the audiences.
  4. The presenter must make his objective of the presentation very clear at the starting itself.
  5. The presenter should try to demonstrate personal commitment towards the group and his work.
  6. The presenter should link to the start. So that the audience is familiar that the presentation is about to start.

3. Objectives or benefits?

  • Successful presenters treat their audience like a customer. Pointing out their personal benefits upfront will help grab attention.
  • It will encourage your audience to focus on the benefits or solutions the presenter thus will get them interested instead of leaving them focus on his objectives alone.
  • The presenter should acknowledge audience problems personally and be solution oriented.
  • The presenter should customize the content for the audience; this inspires them to take interest.
  • The presenter should stress on joint interests and joint benefits that will help them build a bridge between them and the audience. Thereby creating the ‘we’ atmosphere instead of the ‘i’ approach.
  • The presenter should promise and convince the audience that all their questions will be solved by the time the presentation ends.


  1. Starting with impact:
  • Presenters should try to motivate their audience from the very first word they say.
  • The more impact the first three sentences have, more impact the presentation carries.
  • Impact does not mean a loose or hurtful statement.
  • Use humor wisely.


  1. Using humor:
  • Presenters can use humor to make messages memorable.
  • The presenter can play with the words of the title and make them funny to engage the audience from the very beginning.
  • The personal introduction is an amazing opportunity to introduce humor in the presentation.
  • Humorous anecdotes can be used to good effect.
  • The presenter should be careful as too much humor may be offensive in some cultures.

Rahul Gonsalves for naashtapaani.com

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CEO and founder of naashtapaani.com with a keen interest in HR and Marketing.

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Keywords :
presentation , how to give a presentation


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