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Name : sreevani
Country : India
State : Karnataka
City : Ballary
Sex : female
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Friends (13)

Ram Prosad Acharyyakpr_mdusunyvaishnavi79


The Master-mind Behind Character Formation

Each and every act of ours is like a ripple on the surface of a lake. The ripples that pulsa..

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Influence Of Environment

The environment on we stay influence a lot on our character and behavior. There is a stor..

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For Beautiful Structure

For beautiful structure Great importance has been grown for beauty. To achieve a good job or t..

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Advertising And Marketing

When a company wishes to sell or improve the sale of its products or services, it may decide to a..

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Language Of Love

Language of love Love is as different from lust as the cheese is from the chalk. Love ins..

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What Is True Love

Which pains is not love Love is like a very sweet odor, love is beauty, and love is a bea..

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Pasha The Great

Mr Shaik Jony Pasha who is working as a driver in RTC, has proved himself to be a real citiz..

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Guiding Your Children About How To Spend Their Holidays

Creativity is the new trend. Creativity has become an important factor in each and every ste..

Updated On: August 15, 2013
Payment Reader Software - Mr Siddhartha

Confidence, concentration and interest on the subject will make any one to gain success, nam..

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Prashanthi -- The Anchor

Prashanthi is one of the famous Anchors in Telugu channels. She has done many shows especial..

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