Role Of A Managing Editor In A Newspaper


At the head of the news organization is the managing editor. From him or through him comes the driving force that keeps the machine at its most efficient point. On him depends the morale of the organization.

His chief efforts are concerned with newsgathering. He is informed of the world’s events and through his subordinate editors, obtains accounts of these happenings for the newspaper’s readers. Essentially his object is simple; actually the attainment of that object is extremely complex. His plans cannot be hit or miss; they must be laid with minute care. It is in him that the qualities of the managing editor are shown to the best advantage.

For example, let it be supposed that the newspaper prints a small story of an outbreak of hostilities in Sri Lanka. This item is read by the managing editor as a routine part of his duties. Has it other possibilities? Is it worthwhile to send a special correspondent to watch the situation? A decision on this will depend very little on the facts given in the story. It will depend rather on his knowledge of the general conditions in Sri Lanka, whether these are such that there might be further disorders, what effect such violence might have on the Island itself ad what effect it might have on the relations of India with Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka’s with other nations. Answers to such questions hinge not upon the immediate situation, but upon the managing editor’s store of historical knowledge about the country and its problems. It hinges also on his sensing of possibilities, in short, on his news sense.

If he decides to send a correspondent, his next problem is to select the right man. The assignment is a delicate and a responsible one, perhaps even dangerous. The choice must be wise. In making it, he relies on his knowledge of his staff’s abilities and character. Success or failure in obtaining a story often depends on selecting the right man for the assignment.

His next step is getting the reporter to the scene, equipped with detailed instructions, if necessary, of what to do. This is often vital in order to maintain contact between the office and the reporter. How to send stories is frequently a major difficulty. There may be a censorship, or for the other reasons communication may be erratic. Various plans should be considered, leaving it to the reporter to make the best of whatever situation he finds.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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news , organisation


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