Kill Bill- The Movie Review


Kill Bill is not your typical action movie with car chases and gun fights although there is plenty of sword fighting at display. In fact it is not a typical movie at all. It is presented in the form of chapters of a book and the story presented in each chapter is jumbled up. Basically it is a story of revenge: pure and simple. The protagonist is The Bride played brilliantly by Uma Thurman who gets killed along with her baby, her husband and the rest of the people who attended her wedding during her wedding by her boss Bill played by David Carradine


Apparently The Bride was an assassin in her previously life which she had run away from. And apparently bill didn’t approve of this. But something goes wrong and she survives the massacre. She then hunts down each and every one responsible for her ordeal and kills them. The premise and the story are quite simple but it is the execution that baffles you when you are watching the movie. It surprises you in each and every scene mainly due to an impeccable script by Quentin Tarantino who, arguably is one of the best directors in Cinema and this movie proves that point right.


The movie is influenced by other movies mainly the old Chinese martial arts movies and this is done so on purpose. It has a sense of being clichéd but since that too is done deliberately, it is immensely entertaining. The camera work is some of the best you will ever get to see. The action scenes are shot with ridiculous élan. They are so ridiculous that you don’t know whether to laugh at them or enjoy them. The story grips you and the background music provides perfect emphasis. The whole movie has this retro look which is perfect. It has well rounded characters, especially the villain, O Ren Ishii played by Lucy Liu. The performances are great and so is the screenplay. The main star of the movie is the director as he steals the show with his unique style. This is arguably one of the most notable movies ever made.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
violence , movies


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