Green Energy - Eco Friendly Form Of Energy


We can’t exist in this world without power and energy. Without giving pain to nature and earth, it’s possible to acquire energy for our existence through the efficient use of machines, sun, wind and water. Green energy thus obtained through eco friendly methods gives extra protection to our nature too. Now it’s the time of electric and electronic equipments that requires a lot of power for functioning. They need high-charged batteries too. Through this column, let me mention a few such equipments that use solar energy for functioning.


Soya bean bus – Organic fuel obtained from starch and vegetable oils are popular nowadays. Ethanol obtained through the fermentation of carbohydrate is widely used as fuels in vehicles of Brazil and USA. Bio diesel obtained by transesterification of animal fat and vegetable oil is used common in European countries. Biodiesel can be prepared from the seeds of plants like gadrofa. Land that is not used for cultivating edible products can be used for the wide cultivation of such ‘petroleum seeds’.


Solar lamps – A solar panel, battery and an LED – if you have these 3 in your hand, you can make a solar lamp. Such solar lamps can be used in fields and gardens. Street lamps can be completely switched over to solar lamps, if it’s implemented. It recharges during day time taking power and at night, it automatically switches on. It works for 8-10 hours. Solar lamps can substitute kerosene lamps of rural areas. Through solar cookers and water heaters, you can save a lot of power. A 100 litre solar heater can save 1500 unit electric power a year. If you use solar cooker in your kitchen, cooked items will never lose its nutritious value.


Dual use – Combined heat and power (CHP) produce heat and electric power from a single energy source at the same time. Such projects are very efficient and fast too, to produce power. When electricity is produced, released heat energy is used for other purposes. If distance is low, thermal energy will be more efficient. Small models can be implemented in your home also. Natural gases used for this purpose is cheap and easy available. Since efficiency is high, total expense is very low. It reduces air pollution too.




Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

Save non-renewable sources of energy for future by using such alternatives

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Keywords :
Green energy , Eco friendly energy , Soya bean bus , Solar lamps


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