Great Mysteries Behind Those Blue Eyes


Sight – The most beautiful gift given by god. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder – said Plato. For everything we need eyes. About 540 million years ago, eye was nothing but a surface to accept light and a set of nerves. Later, the surface got protected inside pith and slowly it was filled with fluids and lens – Scientists believe so. According to the characteristics and life style of different animals, their eye structure too modified so. So, through this column, let me give you a few interesting facts about eyes.

Bright eyes of cats at night – Eyes of cats contain a small layer, Tapetum lucidum. It’s found in the eyes of goat, ox and buffalo also. It reflects the available light rays to eyes itself giving them more sight.

Pigment eye of jelly fish – Nedarians including jelly fish have a set of cells known as pigment eye, instead of real eyes, that enables them eye sight.

Night sight of owl – Are you a bit jealous with animals that travel in the dark? Definitely you are. Birds like owl have rods that enable them night sight. As cone cells are almost negligible, their eye sight during day time is poor.      

Dolphin of deep seas – As you know well, deep seas are dark always. Then how is it possible for its living beings to know its surroundings? Dolphins’ eyes have rods seven times more than human eyes, enough to capture even a small sun ray that reaches the bottom of the seas.

Dragan fly and its big eyes – You will be surprised to know that dragon fly has more than 30,000 eyes clustered together, commonly mentioned as compound eye. Each eye is known as ommatidium that has the capability to reflect light. Each ommatidium reflects individual parts of the same object and when they are joined together, dragon fly gets vision. It’s known as mosaic vision.

Eyes of kingfisher – Kingfishers sit on branches above the water bodies and smart enough to catch fishes when they get an opportunity. Same is the case of kite that flies in deep skies. Birds have comparatively bigger eyes than their body. Their eyes spread from one end to another, giving them a better reflection and thus an excellent sight.

Cat eyes in humans – Iris determines the colour of human eyes. It depends upon the amount of melamin pigment in iris. It’s exactly the same pigment that gives colour to our hair. But blue and green eyes are due to variation of ray reflection.

Sight inside water – Fishes stay inside water always. They keep eyes open as well. Light rays from objects reach their eyes through water. Its cornea is structured so. Curved cornea and lens make their vision perfect.

Vision to see ultra violet – Blue tit (a kind of bird) eyes can accept ultra violet rays as well. But man is not possible to see those rays beyond human vision. Reindeer seen in arctic areas are best examples.  

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

Eyes - gift of god

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Keywords :
eye sight , eye sight of animals


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