Feelings Of An Introvert

I recall my friend’s status while writing about introverts- “Introverts are like slow websites. They may be the coolest sites, but nobody cares to wait for them to open up”. Introverts may look like a dormant plant. They can be found anywhere in silent corners to bookstores or even at home, sleeping. It’s not that they don’t have talent. It’s that they don’t bother to show it off or play a drama in front of others. They are happy being unpopular. In fact they are happy in their own world.

Introvert feelings can be challenging at times. People may not find this special world of introverts interesting. They may criticize you. They may pity on you. I had a time when all people around me seemed to be extroverts. I’ve been pitied and bullied that I’m lazy and not dependable. But they always complimented my intelligence, and the view in which I saw things. Then, I didn’t know the meaning of being an introvert and pitied myself for my lazy behavior. I always felt scared to get into a conversation with anyone. I was happy if I was left alone. People thought I’m mad or that I’m having an ego problem. People disliked me even if I didn’t do any harm for them. Looking back to my old days make me laugh, but I still wish if I had someone to tell me that it was okay, and it’s my nature.

Introverts usually take time to adjust with a situation or respond to a situation. In today’s world, if we’re late for a second, that would mean losing a thousand opportunities. I’ve seen good opportunities passing by in a flash of a second, and I have stood still, not being able to respond. Even though, being an introvert is not a bad thing, it can mean a lot to you if you do not act on the right time with the right spirit. So it is sometimes important to come out of the little shell that you’ve made for yourself that covers you from the society, and be more social.

Now I’ve understood that being an introvert is normal, and I don’t care what people say about me. I come out of my introvert feelings when it’s necessary, and go back to my beautiful world after it. And now, I’m leading a peaceful life.

I thought I would share my story so that it could help some introverts out there who are unaware of their introvert nature. It can be quite depressing if you’re unaware of it. Through my story I convey that being an introvert is not depressing, but is a wonderful thing that only a few can experience.

Article Posted By : niranjanajunarlView All Articles

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Keywords :

introvert , motivation , well being.


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