All Of Us Grow Old At Some Age!


Those who take birth have to die at some age. No one in this birth remain immortal. Old age is the age when we have lived average life span and we are at the end of our life cycle.

In old age people become weak and don’t remain strong as they were in their young age as there are certain diseases with which we suffer in old age which tend to decrease our energy and stamina. Most of the people suffer from high/low blood pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases etc which make us weaker.

Even the memory of people become weaker and they tend to forget things even sometimes they forget basic things also. I remember my grandmother few days before she died could not recognize me and my wife that was so embarrassing but I never mind it because I know people don’t do that intentionally it happens.

We know that at old age people become weak mentally as well as physically and they need our support at that time but there are few people in our society who don’t support them at that time and leave them on their own. Daily in news we see that old person abandoned by his/her son which bring tears in my eyes. I remember one of the incident where a mother was locked for many days at her home by her own son and daughter in law like a prisoner and when she was rescued by neighbors she still took favor of her son as she was afraid where she will go if she complains about her only son. This is very common scene in today’s scenario which gives e the feeling that we are totally ignorant about elderly people which is very wrong. We should support them at least when they require our support.

But only things which makes me happy that there are old age homes in almost all cities where old people are taken care of and could start their life even they have no one of their own to support in life. But I wish people could understand that their parents are their responsibility and they must looked after by them when they need it.

Article Posted By : sjvg1976lView All Articles

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