The Teachings And Philosophy Of Sathya Sai Baba


Sathya Sai Baba was followed by thousands of people from all the corners of the world. Though this spiritual guru was put under many debates and his powers of materialization was a source of criticism for rationalists, his teachings are always for the improvement of the human beings. The one aspect that attracted his followers is he did not favor any particular religion discriminating the other one. He supported all the religions and his teachings are beyond religions. They could be said as the blend of all important religions in this world. He claimed himself to be the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba who tried to blend and Hinduism and Islam and create a unique way of life that contains the goodness of both religions.


Sathya Sai Baba wanted his devotees to lead a moral life that will make others happy. He did not want them to practice unwanted rituals and ceremonies but he was not opposed to offering prayers to God. To love every living being alike is one of his important teachings. Only through the saturated love one could attain the salvation. If one follows this important teaching he will be blessed by Sai Baba. Shraddha and Saburi are two significant things on which he stresses on. Shraddha, the Sanskrit word denotes love that comes out of spiritual inspiration. The unending love of God will lead one to eternity. Any small offerings to God given with pure love would mean the whole world. He also said that a leaf or a flower offered to him with pure heart and mind would be accepted by him happily.


If one should realize his goals in life he must have Saburi or patience. Patience and perseverance are the two human qualities without which one could not achieve his ambitions. If you do not have patience then you will get fed up in your pursuit of your goal and leave the venture in half way. Inner purity is very important for every human being. This is different from physical cleanliness. If your body is clean it would not mean that your mind is clean. Only with a pure mind one can reach the eternal bliss. So he advises the need for austerity to his devotees.


To be compassionate is necessary for all. No living being begging at the door should be turned down. Compassion is necessary both towards human beings and animals. The sacred ash Udi which he produced is a symbolization of the worldly materials and he taught that all of them are transient like Udi. So, one must learn the methods of differentiating the real and the unreal, the lie and the truth.


Sathya Sai Baba always favored his devotees reading their respective religious holy books. He also liked the group devotional singing and prayer. He stressed the fact no one should speak ill of others especially in their absence and the speech and action of human beings should be soft and loving. He himself had good skills in speaking and though he led the life of sanyasi away from worldly pleasures he advised his followers to lead a normal life. Though he died and not existing today, Sathya Sai Baba photos and Sathya Sai Baba videos are highly respected by his devotees.

Article Posted By : SumazlalView All Articles

I am Suhaina Mazhar, a freelance content writer and blogger and have written thousands of original articles. Writing is my passion, writing is my hobby and writing is my career. I want to write till the last moment of my life.

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Sathya Sai Baba , Sathya Sai Baba photos , Sathya Sai Baba videos


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