Network Security - Part 4

In article network security - 3; we discuss about network attack types using different method that includes viruses, worm, vandal, password cracking. In this article we will know about some more threats like Mail Bombing, E-mail Hacking, Sniffing, spoofing and Spamming.

Mail Bomb

            In this type of attack, message is sent repeatedly to target. These attacks exist in the form either a mail attached with huge files or in the form of large amount of mails. This cause the crash of target e-mail box. This act done by using simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) gateway of target. There is software that generates a large number of e-mail messages to attack on target system.

E-mail Hacking

In the present day scenario e-mail becomes the most common way of communication. This method of sending mail is not only cheap but also fastest way than sending it physically. This method of communication becomes a threat as an intruder can hack the e-mail and read the confidential information or messages or can change the information containing in the mail.


            It is device that consists of hardware and software and used for intercepting and copy and traffic and data over a network. Sometimes this device is used for legitimate function like monitoring a network. Most of the hackers used stealth sniffers to disrupt the computer system and extract the data that contains password and user name. Intruder uses this information to gain access to a target system.


Using the identity of someone else or a trusted person for challenging and communicating over network is known as spoofing. One of these types of attack includes IP spoofing. In this attack hacker or intruder first locate the IP address of a trusted person and modify the header of the packer so that it appears to be coming from a trusted person. In this way target system communicate with the hacker or intruder assuming that it is genuine.


Spamming is the process of sending e-mail messages for commercial advertising purpose. Spamming is not harmful, but it uses a lot of space in the inbox and consuming a lot of time to delete. 

Article Posted By : savilView All Articles

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Keywords :
network security , computer , spoofing , hacking , sniffing , attack


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