Internet Addressing - 4

There are some IP addresses that are reserved for private networks. These IP addresses are not available on internet. In the same way the host of these addresses unable to access the internet on private network. These IP addresses are good for that entire organisation that needs limited access to internet. There are three types of ranges that are provided by the IANA for private network addresses. These are as follows:

  1. to
  2. to
  3. to

These IP addresses can’t use outside any private network.

Advantages of Reserved IP Addresses

In a private network, there is optimised use of IP addresses. The IP addresses are unique for the entire host on that private network. Some of the measure advantages of having reserved IP addresses are as follows:

  1. Less cost for network implementation: As all of us know that we have to purchase each IP address from Internet service provider. If we require a large number of IP addresses for a private network then it will cost a lot of amount for network implementation. There is no need to buy the reserved IP addresses from Internet service provider.
  2. Large Number of Addresses: Private or reserved IP addresses have large number of range. This helps to increase the choice in implantation of network as per requirement.
  3. Stop IP Address Conflicts: As reserved or private IP addresses have no direct accessibility from outside network. So, it will not cause the IP address conflict.

Limitation of Reserved IP Addresses

Though we have a large number of IP addresses at less cost, still there are some disadvantages of having reserved IP address, which are as follows:

  1. As the host on private network doesn’t have unique IP address, this will not allow them to access the outside network. For accessing to internet, it needs to change into globally unique IP address.
  2. It requires restructuring of IP address numbering when merging two networks. Though it can be done easily with the help of tools like DHCP, still it change the IP addresses of all the hosts on the network.
Article Posted By : savilView All Articles

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Keywords :
reserved IP address , network , host , advantage , private network


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