Internet Addressing - 2

As all of us know that IP address consist of four groups of octets. Whether a network is small or large depends on the allocated octets for ID of network. If we decrease the octets, then the number of hosts that can connect to the network will increase and vice versa. The class of IP address determine the range of allocated octets. The number of host connected with network can be calculated from the formula 2m-2; where m is the number of bits.

Classes of IP Address

On the basis of the IDs of IP addresses, we can classify the IP addressing in five categories. Out of which first three categories used for assigning the addresses, while rest two not in use for assigning IP addresses to host and networks. These classes are as follows:

  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C
  • Class D
  • Class E

Class A

This class of IP addresses used for large network. In this class first octet describe the network ID; while rest three used for the host IDs. The first bit in this class is reserved as 0. The value of first octet in this class ranges from 0 to 126 while in rest three it is from 0 to 255.

Class B

This class of IP addresses used for the smaller network than class A. The first two octets in this class reserved for network ID while last two for host ID. The first of two bits of first octet reserved as 10. The value of first octets of this class lies between 128 to 191.

Class C

This class of IP addresses for small area networks and first three octets reserved for the network ID while last one for the host ID. The first three bits of first octet reserved as 110. Hence value of first octet lies between 192 to 223.

Class D

These IP addresses are reserved and used for multicasting. The first four bits in first octet of this class reserved as 1110.

Class E

These IP addresses are also reserved for future use in development and research programs. The first four bits of first octets are reserved as 1111.


Continue to read Internet Addressing - 3 for further information.

Article Posted By : savilView All Articles

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Keywords :
IP Addressing , network , host


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