Importance Of Exercising


The human body is a very complicated machine. Just like a machine it consists of various parts and each part separately and in association with other parts plays a very important role in maintaining the whole body function. But most people do not take good care of it. They indulge in all kinds of activities like drinking, smoking, not eating right and not sleeping right, etc. The lifestyle that people follow these days has become very luxurious and people are turning out to be far lazier than before.


But if we don’t take care of our body we are the ones who will be suffering in the future. One of the best ways to look after your body is regular exercise. Why can’t we save at least one hour in a day for an exercise that would keep us healthy? Are we that lazy? I am not saying we should all be fitness conscious and start working out vigorously. Simple exercise, simple jogging or even walking would suffice. When we exercise our body burns calories, our blood circulation increases and those hormones get secreted which keep our mood better. You must have noticed that every time you exercise you begin to feel slightly better in terms of your mood.


This is very necessary, especially in today’s cutthroat world where everybody succumbs to the daily demands that work imposes on them and they don’t follow a healthy lifestyle which in turn leads to stress. The best way to cope with this is to exercise which reduces stress greatly. As I mentioned earlier if we don’t take care of our body then what is the point in working so much? Because ultimately, we won’t even be alive to enjoy the benefits of our hard work. Yoga is one of the best exercises for your body. If you practice this regularly you can easily stave off so many diseases. Even jogging and stretching exercises help you greatly. Exercises prevent obesity which is becoming one of the biggest problems in today’s world where people depend a lot on junk food. So in order to live a happy life without falling ill frequently and dying young, you can stop being lazy and start exercising.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
jogging , yoga


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