Impact Of Computer In Our Daily Life


With the passage of time computer become the main part of our life, without computer we can’t imagine our future. Regardless the age factor, computer impacted everyone in a good way. The computer industry has grown up dramatically in last 10 year. It is extremely easy to find the impact of computer in our daily life.


The invention of computer invented internet. Use of internet on computer makes it better known among young generation. With the help of internet anyone can access the infinite knowledge and save it in extremely less space. Anyone in the world can access the internet from anywhere and access the information. Computer is a very good platform for the children to build their person skills from educational programs. Some of these programs not only do the entertainment of the child but also do the brain development. They can create drawing using various tools in computer like paint.


Computer reduce the size of offices, there was a time when offices was filed with the old files and document, at present computers overcome this problem as extremely large amount of data can be stored in computer. Most of the companies are digitising their records as it is the best way to access any old record. Manager can create the PowerPoint slides for the presentation of any plan.


Without computer we can’t imagine to fly aircraft, steer ship and launch space mission. Computer makes all the calculation easy to complete all these mission and activity. In household one can make the spread sheet to maintain the budget of the house. With the help of laptop one can watch the movie and hear songs anywhere. Therefore it is very good source of entertainment.


Though computer impacted in our life in good way, still it has some side effect. Use of computer increases the standard of criminal. As they can do any criminal offence from anywhere in the world, it is extremely difficult to trace out the cybercriminal. Thus like any other invention computer impacted our life in both good and bad way. 

Article Posted By : savilView All Articles

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Keywords :
computer , internet , impact


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