Health Related Tips For Your Consideration

Health tips for you

I am surprised to read that our teeth have connection with our memory. Yes, friends the people who keep their teeth clean and healthy are at lesser risk of dementia a dreaded memory related common disease. As per the researchers, people brushing their teeth thrice a day have lesser chances of memory problems almost three ties lesser.

Although I am amazed to read it but they have certain evident to proves their outcome into the matter. However they are doing further work on this particular issue to give a foolproof teeth cleaning plan to make people aware about this worldwide problem. So keep watching for further updates, which I may post soon here.

Chewing gum can increase your memory power

There is more big surprising news for me but this one is in print media that chewing gum can help you have a good memory. Chewing gum can help your brain to work faster and thus serving your memory in right direction. Moreover, to add to surprise as they have found out that while chewing gum your brain reflects ten times slower than while you are not using gum.

The reason being that while you chew a gum your brain’s eight portions get effected and blood rushed to brain faster than in normal times which slows down the power of reflection your thought or activities. If you do not want to trust me go read it in a magazine published in Japan, which have every detail about it. You can google the name of this particular magazine to read the news in detail ‘Brain and cognition’

Your heart problem relates to your childhood

The heart related problems are not limited to our adult lifestyle only but very much with childhood too. If we had had a tensed childhood, we have almost 20% more chances to have heart related problems after the age of 40 and the same may affect women by more than 30% in the same age group.

The process begins from the age of seven when the child begins to feel the stresses of bad behavior and becomes the victim of heart problems as he/she crosses the age of 40. The heart of a particular is directly related to amount of atrocities or bad behavior they went through in their childhood. You must take extra precaution to keep a close watch on your heart if you feel that you went through a bad patch during your childhood.   

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny found some health tips for you.

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Keywords :
Health , Tips , Brush , teeth , brain , Gum , Heart , Childhood , Women , Men


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