Be Aware Of Diabetes


Diabetes is a leading disease in our country and world. Most people, at some age of their life get diabetes. It is actually not a disease, but the abnormal functioning of pancreas in producing insulin or if our body does not react to the insulin provided by the body.

Mainly diabetes is caused to people who eat too much and does not involve in any exercises. Eating too much sugar and rising laziness increase the risk factor of getting diabetes. Daily exercise and intake of healthy food and good lifestyle can decrease the probability of catching diabetes.

Earlier, diabetes was common in elder people, especially in older people, especially old aged people. But nowadays, it is tending to be common in children also. Now a person in any age has to be aware of diabetes.

Types of diabetes

There are mainly two types of diabetes, namely Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 is caused due to low or no production of insulin by the body. It is mainly seen in children and teenagers. Insulin is taken as injection in these cases.

Type 2 is caused due to the resistance of insulin by the body. The body is unable to utilize the insulin created by the body in this case. Most of these cases are dealt with certain tablets. In some cases, insulin is also being injected.

Other problems caused by diabetes 

If diabetes is not controlled, that is proper medicine and proper exercise is not taken, it may give way for many other serious problems.

It can also cause many other problems such as eyesight problems, kidney problems, heart problems, nerve problems, cholesterol, blood pressure etc. These problems can be avoided by taking proper medicine or insulin injections and good exercise.

A diabetic patient should frequently check their blood pressure and cholesterol levels along with sugar levels, as these can lead to some other major problems such as heart attack.

As the sweat produced in the body of diabetic people has a high content of sugar, there is a greater chance of getting sin problems easily than others.

Is diabetes curable?

Actually diabetes is not curable, but strictly controllable. If diabetes is found at earlier stages, there are chances of curing this disease, but there are greater chances for it to come back if we continue the intake of sugar. So overall, it is controllable but not fully curable.

Methods useful to prevent diabetes

The most important thing is to have a healthy life.

Diabetes can be prevented by :-

  • Eating healthy foods which does not contain too much sugar, fat, or oil
  • Regular exercise 
  • Decreasing laziness
  • Frequently checking blood glucose levels, cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Overall leading a healthy life

Every disease would be easier to prevent than curing.

Article Posted By : niranjanajunarlView All Articles

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Keywords :
diabetes , diabetes awareness , sugar , insulin , type 1 , type 2


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