Are You Suffering From Obesity

Feeling obsessed

One of my friends a little overweight always wants to get rid of his extra pounds but never does any effort to shed some of his fat. He keeps ranting about it in front of friends and different other places including official meetings but never lets a chance go to with extra helpings. I am sure some of us who are suffering from obesity can reduce our weight successfully. 


First off, set your goals and stick to rules. I suggest anyone willing to reduce weight to plan it as per his height. 1Kg per inch is an ideal weight for men and 800 gm for women. Go for jogging, eat with lesser calories and try to avoid junk. If you still do not succeed, go for a diet plan. Morning walks are good for reducing extra weight and keeps you slim and trim. Go for rigorous workouts if you can afford to do them. Never try any thing beyond your limit while exercising because that can harm you especially if you are suffering from blood pressure or heart related diseases.

Your food is important

Your intake of fruits in place of solid lunch would help but do not skip your breakfast in any case. If you eat non-vegetarian food keep an eye on what you eat, try to convert your non-vegan habits to limit them to seafood. Seafood is far safer compared to other meats especially red meat. Fried and containing too fatty would sure not help your cause therefore it is advised to eat balanced food with extra care.

Water intake 

Drinking lot of water, say 3-4 liters a day is ideal in our country and as the summers are here, you can increase the quantity to make it up to 5 liters. That will give you feeling of full stomach and will reduce your need or desire to eat for longer duration. As I mentioned above consumption of fruits and salads would help your cause, eat these in your lunch hours to keep your weight in control.

Last but not the least, if you are habitual of alcoholic drinks; give them up as soon as possible. Eating sensibly is must for people suffering from obesity.  

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny can help maintain your weight.

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Keywords :
Obesity , Weight , Fruits , meat , Red meat , Plan , Exercise , Extra helpings


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