Crescent english school

Crescent english school Photo
Crescent English School, Khutauna Bazaar,
Khutauna - 847 221
Madhubani District, Bihar

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Crescent English School came into existence in the year 2013 under the SAHIDUN NISHA Educational Trust, located  at Khutauna Bazaar, District Madhubani, Bihar is conducting classes from Nursery onwards to Class 5 under CBSE syllabus.
A state of the art computer lab with internet facility, well equipped Science lab, well  stocked  library. The School attracts best of the teacher . School provide games like Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton,  Indoor games like Table Tennis, Carom, chess. We intend to introduce Smart Digital Classrooms and interactive audio and video Multimedia enabled Hi –tech classrooms. Regular Moral Instructions classes are held to mould the child into a healthy individual with high moral values and aimed at the three-fold development achieved through the head, heart and the mind. The School intends to introduce Sanskrit/Arabic/Urdu language classes from next year. Our students who are seeds of today are nurtured to become the trees of tomorrow spreading their cultural and spiritual roots and helping this world become a better place. Inspiring a love of learning, of caring, respect and thanksgiving is our prime objective.Teaching self esteem, encouraging self-determination yet recognizing the value of spirituality, global concerns, good manners and more. Thanksgiving, charity,respect towards elder and prayer form an important part of the curriculum.
Students are grouped into four different houses namely Ashoka Maurya , Maulana  Azad , Dr. Rajendra  Prasad and Mother Teresa for various activities to create team spirit and develop a healthy sense of competition. All Children are encouraged to take part in games and other extra-curricular activities. The students are trained in art of public speaking and interacting with people through Personality development workshops.
The School has an Environment Club to make students aware of the importance of a clean and healthy environment and to enable them to participate in activities like tree plantation, and generally discourage the use of non-biodegradable material like plastics etc. It would be the school's endeavour to spread environment awareness and preserve of wild life and the earth. In addition to this, we also have Quiz Club , Debating Club, Cultural Club which organises various inter-house and inter school competition. All these clubs are headed and managed by students under guidance of respective Staff Member.Children are encouraged to do charity and give away used clothes and books to the Socially and under priveledge children.


School, Khutauna, phulparas, madhubani, laukaha, laukahi, ladania, babubarhi, nirmali,

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