Team Spirit


The wall will be strong only if every brick constituting it is strong. It is common knowledge that the strength of a chain depends on its weakest link. Families are the building block s of the nation. Thus it follows that there will be harmony is present in every family. However, one can ill-afford to over look the fact that there is infinite diversity and harmony can never co-exist. But it is quite possible to string gems of different hues and sizes by means of a single wire and design a beautiful necklace. By the same token, it is possible to combine the diverse segments in the country through the string of lofty ideals in order that they form an enchantingly colourful mosaic. The process of blending them will be rendered very easy in case divine consciousness predominates among these segments. When people are intent on pleasing God with their exemplary behavior, they are prone to assimilate divine virtues and to ensure that politeness; courtesy, humbleness, friendliness and nobility will stand reflected in their talk and walk. As they will be convinced beyond doubt that one God dwells in all, they will strive for unity. Due to their intense desire to please the god swelling within everyone, they cut across the barriers of caste, creed or colour and cling tenaciously to the dictum, ‘All in One.’ What with the arsenals of many countries brimming with weapons of mass destruction, harmony alone can save the world from total annihilation. As the governments only reflect the will of the people, they too will fall in line with the people and champion the use of harmony and unity if the people clamour for harmony. This will serve as a precursor to the dawn of a new golden age promising peace, prosperity and happiness to every individual.


When the term harmony is applied to the totality it is called the team-spirit. If it rules the roost in industries or sports, it ensures success and happiness. It is pertinent to remember that the basic aim of the different festivals is to strengthen the bond of harmony among the various cross-sections of the society and pave the way for unity and happiness.

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Team Spirit


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