

At the heart of every Muslim community is a mosque, the Islamic place of worship. When Muhamman moved to Medina in 622, his house became the model for all subsequent mosques. Devout Muslims pray five times a day and a mosque’s main purpose is to provide a place for prayers. Mosques range from simple places serving the local community or large, beautifully decorated buildings in big cities.

The most important part of a mosque is the prayer hall, where the congregation meets to pray, and to listen to sermons and readings from the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an. Mosques also usually have a courtyard and a tower called a minaret. Larger mosques may have many more rooms, which are used as schools, hospices and kitchens to provide food for the poor.

The horseshoe-shaped arch of this mosque doorway is typical of Islamic architecture. The arch is repeated many times inside the building. Above the door is a richly tiled decoration in abstract patterns. A heavy curtain covers the entrance.

People coming to prayers wash at one of the fountains in the courtyard, then they leave their shoes by the door before entering the prayer hall. There is little furniture inside the hall because Muslims kneel to pray. Separate areas inside the mosque are reserved for men and women.

A Mihrab is a niche, often beautifully decorated, that shows the direction of Mecca. Next to it is a mimbar or pulpit.

Plain walls with few windows show that this is an inward-looking building, in which people are encouraged to concentrate on their prayers. The minaret and the colourful tiles at the door are the only signs that the austere exterior conceals a scared place of worship.

The Islamic religion forbids figurative art, on the grounds that the artist must not try to imitate God’s creation. Mosques are, therefore, decorated with abstract patterns and beautiful inscriptions. Decoration is often concentrated around doorways and the mihrab.

There are two common styles of mosque design. In one, the roof of the prayer hall is supported by numerous decorated columns. In the other, the roof is a large dome.

These are some of the explanations of Mosque.

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