jai baba bisandas


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Added On : Sep 27, 2013


I want to tell you something about my village. My village Nimoth is a old village. Its established around before 1857. Its in district Rewari( Haryana). Nimoth is 28 kilometer far away from Rewari. its was near of river edge but after passing time the river is lost . my village is typically indian village. Here people is very simple. Now time is change they are also changing with time. Basically there work is agriculture but now people doing job in city. Nimoth is a green village. Here you can see many tree around the village. Here famous place is baba bishandas temple. Its famous temple in village. Temple is also famous in nearest village. People come from many far away. People trust on baba bishadas. They think baba will help them. Some where trust help him. Villager called temple as a garden. Its out side of village. temple is very beautiful, here is many tree. You can hear birds chirping from away. Its a nice place if you came one time in village i am sure you will want to come again and again, here fair came in a year two time. first in Dhuladi and second in waman dawdshi. villager trust baba as a another messenger of god waman.

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