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Tipu Sultan's Tomb in Mysore


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    Distance from Mysore : 22 km;

    Time to Reach from Mysore : 0 h, 33 m

Tipu Sultan's Tomb is situated in Srirangapattana near Mysore. Tipu Sultan was called Tiger of Mysore and he fought against British to assert his independence. He sought the help of French army to rule out British and succeeded in defeating them. But the conspiracy of British led to his signing of the treaty on 22nd Marcy 1792 and he had to lose half of his kingdom. He then rebuilt his war machine and fought against British in 1798 in the fourth Anglo-Mysore war and was killed in May 1799. He was buried in the mausoleum that he had built for himself along with his father Hyder Ali and mother Fatima Begum at Srirangapattna.


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