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Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary in Mysore

Mandya, Karnataka

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    Distance from Mysore : 19 km;

    Time to Reach from Mysore : 0 h, 27 m

Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary is a small sanctuary spreading over an area of 67 square kilometers. This is situated in the six islets on the banks of Cauvery River. This area is covered with broadleaf forests, bamboo groves, Pandunus trees, Eucalyptus, Acacia, etc. The animals found here are Bonnet Macaque, Flying Fox, Asian Openbill Stork, Common Spoonbill, Black headed Ibis, Indian Shag, Egrets, Oriental Darter, Heron, etc.


You can take the boat tours available all through the day to visit the islets and watch the birds, crocodiles and bats. The best time to visit this place is December because you can find lots of migratory birds at that time.


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