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Cubbon Park in Bangalore

Cubbon Park, Bangalore

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    Distance from Bangalore : 1 km;

    Time to Reach from Bangalore : 0 h, 4 m

The Cubbon Park is situated on the heart of the Bangalore city and is one of the important landmarks. It was established in 1870 and it covers an area of 100 acres and later it was extended to about 300 acres. It was called as Sir Meade’s Park after Sir John Meade and later was renamed as Cubbon Park in the memory of the British Commissioner Sir Mark Cubbon. In 1927, it was again renamed as Sir Chamarajendra Park.


The park houses more than 6000 plants and tress of 68 genera and 96 species including some exotic varieties like araucaria, peltophorum, swietenia mahagoni, millettia, etc. The park has a dancing musical fountain and you can enjoy the toy train ride.


Many stately buildings like Attara Kacheri, Museum, Sheshadri Iyer Memorial Hall and Government Aquarium lie very close to it and the park is accessible from Hudson Circle, Kasturba Road and M.G. Road.


The park is opened all the time and from 5. A.M. to 8 A.M. it has been declared as the silent zone. Two dancing fountain shows are organized from 7.00 P.M. to 7.30 P.M. and 8.00 P.M. to 8.30 P.M. on all days except on Mondays and second Tuesdays of the month when the park is closed.

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