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Taj Mahal Museum in Agra

SH 62, Taj Mahal, Agra

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    Distance from Agra : 6 km;

    Time to Reach from Agra : 0 h, 10 m

Taj Mahal Museum was established in the year 1982 within the complex of Taj Mahal and is also called Jal Mahal. This is a two storied building built on a raised platform. The museum houses three galleries and a main hall. It has the exhibits related to Taj Mahal and its construction.


The Taj Mahal Museum has 121 antiques displayed and they are categorized as Mughal miniature paintings, calligraphy specimens, weapons, utensils, drawings and paintings, manuscripts, marble pillars and inlay works, etc.



The figures of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal are made of ivory and kept within the decorative wooden frame is placed in the main hall. There is a manuscript of Chail Majlis signed by Shah Jahan on 4th February 1628 with royal seal. The jade and porcelain objects, bowls of celadon ware, swords and daggers and royal documents are also found here.



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