We Must Keep Internet Clean And Sober

Internet manners

Every one wants to express himself but does not know how to do it properly. As a fulltime online worker who is on different websites, 14x7 (although I wanted to write 24x7 but that is not possible). I come across people who express themselves on different social networking sites, including twitter and Facebook in strange ways. But one thing is common that some of them are speaking and expressing in not so social way. You can compare them with people who do not know proper manners to speak or behave in real life as well.

Let me come to point   

We all know that there are many people better known as anti-social elements who behave rudely in real life also. And with the advent of technology and easy reach, these people try to act same way online also. I think the time has come when we learn to behave properly while using internet because it is difficult to delete unwanted comments and tags on regular basis just because some of our ‘friends’ are not yet matured enough.

There is no harm if anyone wants to share his views on social networking sites but one should know about his limits and what he should share on public sites and what is meant for personal level through personal messages. One should know about other people’s likes and dislikes to remain in their good books.

I feel people should learn to listen others while expressing themselves as sharing your views according to people you are dealing with is always helpful. They must understand that it is two-way conversation where they shall have to keep others in mind. It is good to share happiness with our friends to develop better relations. One can share his red and blues with close friends.

The world has become smaller a truly global village, people have come closer with so many facilities available. If we use these facilities properly, we certainly can make our online experience far better and can even help people in need. I would like to mention about a Mumbai resident who after reading a request on Facebook, donated all his books to a village to set up a library in M.P.


We should understand that, if we wish to improve our real life, we must improve our cyber world as well. We need to clean cyber world as we clean our homes to stay healthy and hygienic. We must learn to realize the difference between a fake account and shall have to be ruthless while dealing with spammers. Try to make people aware about internet manners to make your cyber experience a better deal.

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny wans to keep cyber space free from spammers.

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Keywords :
Facebook , Twitter , Internet , Cyber world , Mumbai , Books , Library , Clean


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