The First Edition Of A Newpaper


First edition refers to the very first edition of a newspaper released by the editors for the day. After the first edition deadline has been passed, a temporary lull settles on the newsroom. Then the vibration of the great presses can be felt. In a few minutes the first edition, still wet and smelling of printer’s ink, comes up from the pressroom. It is corrected, cut and added to. The second edition is the next goal. It appears soon afterward, and the first is already history.

If the organization of a large newspaper seems to be so complex as to be bewildering, it can be pointed out that this complexity is more apparent than renal. The functions are simple. The editor of a small paper in a countryseat does the same work on a smaller scale. If he solicits his own advertising, he is functioning as the business department. He is his own reporter, collecting and writing local news; he is the copy editor and headline writer; he is the managing editor and make up editor; the editorial writer and probably the compositor and printer and press man and distributor. If he has correspondents throughout the country and a state or national wire service he is a national editor; and if his paper is large enough to have a fuller world service, he becomes a foreign editor also.

If his paper should grow, requiring the adding of employees, he would begin the division of labor and the functions of gathering, editing and printing news would be distributed among several persons. He should meet new conditions with more complex organizations, just as the large newspaper expands its structure to meet the conditions of keen competition and demands for speed.

Seemingly and obviously the first edition is the most important edition. This is the one that would have the maximum outreach, that is, it would be circulated to the most number of houses. After the first edition is designed, the editors can heave a sigh of relief. This edition consists of the most important news items of the day and therefore, is worked on the most compared to all the other editions.



Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
editions , balance


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