Nadis,Chakras And Kundalini, Based On Yoga


Among the countless nadis (nerves), the three most important are situated along the spinal column: the Ida on the left side, the Pingala on the right, and the Sushumna in the middle. According to the Yogis, the Ida and Pingala are the main channels along which the afferent and efferent currents flow. One carries sensation to the brain, and the other flows from the brain to the body. The Sushumna is a hollow channel along which the Kundalini flows upwards. The Vedas call it the channel of enlightened vigilance or Brahmanadi.


During meditation, the Yogis direct their attention to certain subtle centers called Chakras. These are responsible for the equal distribution of energy to the body. These are responsible for the equal distribution of energy to the body. The seven main Chakras are:- the Muladhara, at the base of the spine; the Swadishtana, between the Navel and the genital organs: the Manipura, in the area of the navel; the Anahata n the heart region; the Vishuddha in the throat with the thyroid gland; the Ajna between the eye brows; and the Sahasrara on top of the head.

Kundalini is cosmic energy symbolized by a sleeping serpent coiled in the Muladhara .


When the Kundalini, or latent energy, is aroused as a result of the Asanas (appropriate postures), Pranayama exercise(controlled breathing) and Meditation, it makes its way upwards via the Sushumna, passing through the Chakras one after the other. When it reaches a new Chakra, the yogi attains a higher state of consciousness.


Once the yogi practicing Raja yoga has directed the Kundalini by the power of concentration to the seventh Chakra, the Sahasrara(the seat of pure-consciousness) and has united himself to it, he has attained the true goal of meditation: the state of super-consciousness or Samadhi.


Consciousness is responsible for certain vibrations that pass through the body. Individually, we can only raise our degree of consciousness in proportion to the level of resistance in the nervous system. The control of physical conditions enables all bodily functions to be subordinated to the mind, so that we are free from desires and passions. The mind then becomes immobile and can be directed inwardly in total calm, to attain complete illumination. There is no limit to the power of the human mind. The more concentrated it is the more power is brought to bear on one point.

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