Modern Machines For Cultivation In India


Through green revolution, modern technical methods of farming reached the whole world. Not only high quality seeds and fertilizers, modern equipments are also needed to get fruitful result. Now the sights of ox and ploughs have already vanished from Indian society. Same is the case of reapers with sickle. Now it’s the time of tractors and other modern equipments. They lessen the difficulties of poor farmers and yield better result as well. So, let me introduce a few such modern machines used in agricultural fields, mostly suited for paddy fields.

Cultivator – This machine is a direct substitute of ox and plough in fields. It’s rectangle in shape with two rows of artificial ploughs giving double result. It’s fixed behind tractor or driller for working.

Cono weeder – This machine is used to remove weeds in between the agricultural crops of the field. If soil is moist enough, it plucks the whole weed plant.

Rotavator – It’s a 4-in-1 machine used for multipurpose activities at the same time. Mixing mud, crushing stones, plough and destroying weeds – everything in a single machine. This instrument can process up to 1 acre land in just one hour.

Reaping machine - Now reaping the paddy or wheat fields can be done using reaping machines. It takes only 5 hours for a reap machine to do work equivalent to efforts of 25 workers in 8 hours! Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation has developed a new machine that can place the reaped paddy in rows, neat and tidy.

Cage wheel and lever – This machine levels the paddy field and plant saplings as well. It’s mostly used for rice paddy fields. This machine is attached to tractor or driller to function. Instead of tractor tyres, cage wheels are used.

Planting machines – Those days have gone when women go to fields to plant young saplings in paddy fields. Now everything is machine done. No need for hand touch! This machine does the work equivalent to 100 workers a day.

Separators – And now, the last, but not the least. After all these processes are done, now, it’s needed to separate rice grains from hay. Earlier this work was also done manually by workers. But now machines have reached to do these processes in quick time. Machines will separate rice grains from hay and later rice from its husk also, making everything easy.    

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

A couple of days ago, I saw a statue of a farmer with sickle in hand, his wife with a bundle of paddy on her head, accompanied by two kids and a dog - a true symbol of common man. Such sights have dissappeared from Kerala Paddy fields. 

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Keywords :
modern equipment for agriculture , paddy machines


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