Love And Its Meaning


This is the global practice of the world. Love changes our life like a sweet. It is 100 percent true. We feel happy when we talk about loving people. Attain blossoming face. If we don’t talk with our friends, we'll be thinking about them. This is the experience of mine. I think this experience will be for you. Love is patience. Love is not having pride. Love never does harmful deeds. Love will not give space for the anger.

Even animals, by their actions, express love. You've seen the cows calling her calf. Calf, his mother's call, and voice. This bond between them.

There are many different names for love. The names are love, affection, romance and many more. Than the others, to love, has the most power. For love, many people sacrifice their life. For anything else nobody can sacrifice. That is the power of love.

In the ancient time, for the sake of love, people suppressed the ox. For the sake of love, invert the large stone. Many buildings were also constructed in remembrance of love. Many buildings are still raised for love. The language of love is to rule the world.

But humans cannot be ruled by repressive. But you can do everything with love. This is the power of love.

Many people have worked for the benefit of loved ones. Many studies have sacrificed for love. For the benefit of his younger ones, leaving the studies, people who work. We must remember the sacrifice. Let's not forget. We then high, who worked for us, should not be ignored. Many of those who sacrifice their happiness. We do love our family. We do love our friendship circle. We do love our colleques. We can leave our narrow-mindedness and should love all without partiality. 

Article Posted By : sagayamarylView All Articles

Iam from chennai

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Keywords :
love , meaning , life , sacrifice


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