Language Of Love


Language of love

Love is as different from lust as the cheese is from the chalk. Love inspires one to be divine, forgiving and innocent but lust makes one selfish, jealous, cruel and wicked! The love that affects the inner divinity is called affection and love that inspires yearning is called blessedness. Affection from a mother teaches the child to imbibe simplicity and innocence. When blessedness blooms, the devotee can thank God with immense gratefulness and contentment. In other words, love holds the key to success in LIFE and one who fails to love is more dead than alive.

While the English language has only 26 letters, Kannada has as many as 52 letters, but the language of Love has only four characteristics.

L – Learning, O – Overlooking, V- Veneration and E – Exaltation.

Each soul is potentially divine notwithstanding the fact that it is contaminated by the ill-effects of the individual’s past deeds. Our aim should be to cause the manifestation of this divinity by loving everyone and never leaving anyone till death separates us. The Pranashakti within is God and you are not merely a body but Jeevatma, a divine spark. God within really knows the Karmic burden of 3 generations together but He pretends to be dumb, deaf and blind. If you really learn to love one another with purity, promptness and punctuality, He makes you experience peace, pleasure and bliss. The more you love others, the more He inspires you to love Him also. If you go on hating or criticizing others, God in turn prompts you not only to doubt His as well! However God tests you in many different ways, twists you too quite often and if you pass through fire and water successfully He will trust you and pamper you!

So, the aim of this human life is to see and seek God within and get His direct guidance and make your life sublime. The means to this lies in the realization of the real Self that lies submerged under the Himalayan heap of accumulated karma by dethroning the ‘mere self’. For this to happen, the first and foremost thing you should do is to learn the language of LOVE and practice it slowly and silently. If there is one precious thing that is your own that you can offer to GOD, it is without doubt pure LOVE. All other things like flowers and fruits that you offer to GOD are His own creation and not yours.

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Language of Love


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