Importance Of Part Time Jobs


Part time jobs are an important part of any student’s life. Most Indian parents don’t support this argument. They think it is against their culture and most Indian parents have a stilted idea of what their culture is in the first place. In other countries children when they come of a certain age stop depending on their parents for money and they move out and work on their own in order to support their education.


In India that is next to impossible. I am not saying that our parents also should let us out like that but having a part time job does help. We depend on our parents for money and so we don’t really know the value of money. We Indian students in general spend it without even thinking. But if we earn on our own, no matter how little it is then we will slowly learn the importance of money. Students will learn to save it since it is their hard earned money and not their parents.


Having your own job also teaches you responsibility. One can get to experience the feeling of independence that is so important in a person’s life. It can teach you to be more responsible about your actions and not commit mistakes. No matter what job you get in your future you will always have the ability to face it because you have already faced it, even though it was in a much smaller scale. And whenever you need extra money for that extra treat that you had promised yourself you don’t have to go asking for it from your parents.


Money management is one of the most important things that every student must learn early on in life. Of course I am speaking from my own experience. Because if you don’t learn now how to manage what you earn then you will have a very difficult time because once you grow up you not only have to manage yourself but also an entire family of wife and kids. And there is nothing better to teach you money management than a part time job. It doesn’t matter what job it is although it is preferable if it is something you like to do. But one must also remember that studies should always come first or else there will be an imbalance and you might be stuck doing part time jobs your entire life.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
money , management , jobs


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