How To Handle Change Of Seasons


It’s time for a whole new health regimen to keep that glossy hair and gorgeous skin protected. Here are a few surprisingly easy and completely natural methods that will get you through the season looking and feeling good.


Lemon is the season’s new miracle fruit. Lemon juice is the most effective way to prevent dehydration. Few drops of lemon juice in hot water at the beginning of the day are your ticket to a clean digestive tract and over time, and a healthy glow to the skin. Use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil to fight dry scalp and flakes – the acidity in lemon cleans the scalp while the oil seals in the moisture and keeps the scalp hydrated. Lemon is also a highly effective de-tanning agent. Squeezing a little juice over the affected parts is all you need to help lighten your skin.


Honey acts as a sweet relief to many common health problems. It’s the best moisturizer (apply and let soak for 30 minutes and rinse), energy shot and hair saver (half a cup of honey massaged on to damp hair, let sit for half an hour and rinsed can restore all the lost moisture from sun damage).


Including yogurt in your everyday diet can do wonders to your health. Being rich in protein and calcium, yogurt lowers cholesterol, boosts immunity, helps in healing after intestinal infections and prevents yeast infections. Yogurt can remove the damage caused to hair by stylistic products and sun damage. Massage plain yogurt on wet hair, let sit for 30 minutes and rinse to clean the dirt and lock in the moisture.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera adds health and beauty on the inside and out. Aloe Vera juice (to be taken sparingly) is said to relieve asthma, boost the immune system, support cell growth, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and provides the natural glow to the skin. It’s anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties prevent the onset of diseases. It’s highly effective in treating various dental problems like gum bleeding. Aloe Vera also heals minor cuts and burns on the skin. It de tans and helps the skin recover from sun damage.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is the go to for an all-purpose home remedy. Baking soda used on the hair can help remove build up from hair styling products; restores chlorine damage and acts as an alternate to shampoo. It also works wonders on the rough skin of the elbow and soles of feet.  Baking soda is also an effective mouth freshener and teeth whitener. Rub your nails and toe nails with baking soda and gently exfoliate to get soft and healthy cuticles.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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Keywords :
health , face


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