Beware Of Flirts In Your Workplace

This is not especially for women

Most people face flirts in their work places and if the one who is flirtatious type is your boss, you find it more difficult to cope with. Some times you feel so disturbed or almost to the brink of breakdown to level of changing your job. But that is not a proper solution. You should tackle the situation in a manner and handle your problem tactfully before it gets out of your hands.

A flirting boss

Either a male or a female, a flirting boss is dangerous if crossing beyond healthy limits. Flirting coworkers within healthy limits are acceptable up to a certain limit only because if you find any one too funny or flirtatious, your productivity and emotions would be affected. You would not be able to give your 100% output due to your consciousness. You should not take thing lying down but resist such people even if they are your superiors. Here are few tips to handle them-

1- As I mentioned earlier that flirting is of different natures, one is healthy and other a total hurting that targets you personally. In case you are facing the first type just try to ignore it in place of reacting to aggressively, otherwise take silent action.

2- In case you find your boss trying to mingle with you more than you can tolerate, maintain a healthy distance to begin with. Never accept informal meeting invitations neither spend time in gatherings with such persons because these types find a way to harass you. You should send mental and physical signals to let them know that you are in no mood to accept their proposals and you do not support their behavior in any way.

Talk to your boss politely

Some times a simple talk works more than rude behavior because that can make things worse. Try to convince your boss that the atmosphere of your workplace may affect adversely. Just do not target them directly but make yourself center of things like ‘Sir/Mam, I am not comfortable with such conversations and my work may suffer’ I hope you will succeed in your mission but if you have to tell them clearly, do it and settle it once for always. 

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny did not like flirts in workplaces.

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Keywords :
Flirts , Work , Workplace , Boss , Coworker , Flirting , Gathering , Meeting


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