8 Tips To Follow Before Waxing Your Hands


Most of the people want to look beautiful When they wear short outfit with half hands or sleeveless. So waxing is the best method. But before implementing this method we need to take a lot of care before and after waxing. Because skin problems may arise.


  1. It is better to avoid waxing at the period’s time and when you are not feeling well.
  2. Before waxing, it is suggested to avoid applying creams and lotions on the skin.
  3. The people who are having sensitive skin and allergy problems, they should consult a doctor and according to their instructions only they should have waxing.
  4. Hot wax is not suitable for everyone. So before trying it, you need to check it by applying little on the skin and observe the reaction. If there is no reaction then only apply.
  5. After the wax for your hands, then rub with ice cubes on the place where you had waxing. If you feel irritated or rashes then you need to consult doctor immediately. After cleaning your hands, massage your skin with moisturizer. It is good to avoid going into the sun and outside. Because due to the sun rays skin becomes sensitive and dark. The dust gets accumulated on the skin.
  6. In winter most of the people give importance to hot or warm water. But while having waxing, you should adjust with cold water. It is good to avoid soaps and scrubs. You should not wash cloths. It is good not to use any perfume also as the chemicals in them show an effect on your skin.
  7. Some women have waxing before attending a function or a party. So such people should avoid stone bangles, dresses with mirror, glitter work, because as the skin will be sensitive so due to these, there is a chance of getting cuts on the skin.
  8. Some people do swimming for having exercised. But it is not good to do after waxing. The water may be polluted one, it may show effect on the skin and may cause allergy. If your hands get burning sensation then apply tea tree and lavender oils and these works as anti-bacterial. Wear wooden gloves at night. After waxing you need to take care for 3 years. Then no problem occurs.
Article Posted By : sarala smileylView All Articles

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Keywords :
waxing tips , tips for waxing , tips for before waxing , tips for after waxing


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