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Climate in Kanpur


Climate in Kanpur

Kanpur experiences a humid subtropical climate with long and hot summer season and mild and short winters. It has extremes of temperature that the minimum climate is 0 degree Celsius while the maximum temperature is 48 degrees. There are four seasons, summer, winter, spring and monsoon.


Kanpur Seasons







Apr to Jun

20 deg C to 42 deg C

Hot weather with heat waves and dust storms.


Jul to Sep

22 deg C to 36 deg C

Moderate Climate with high humidity.


Nov to Jan

6 deg C to 25 deg C

Severe fog disrupting road traffic and air traffic.


Feb to Mar

12 deg C to 30 deg C

The climate is pleasant making it favorable for sightseeing.


Best Time To Visit Kanpur – October to March



Kanpur Climate in Summer Season


The summer season in Kanpur starts in late March and lasts till June and this time is not fit for tourism. The days are hot with clear blue sky. More hours of sunshine increases the heat. The hot dry winds blow during this time and sunstroke is commonly seen. May is the hottest month and slight rainfall in June makes the climate very humid. The outdoor activities are minimal during this time. Dust storms are commonly seen.



Kanpur Climate in Winter Season


In winter months, the nights and evenings are chilly. The sky is clear and there is a blow of cool breeze keeping the environment cool and favorable for sightseeing activities. Woolen clothes are required during nights but the days are pleasant with plenty of sunshine. Severe fog is seen in December and January making it difficult to travel.


Kanpur Climate in Monsoon Season


Kanpur gets an average annual rainfall of 885 mm. Some rainfall is received during the harvest season of March and April thought original monsoon season starts in July and lasts till September. There is no snowfall but sometimes hailstones accompany rainfall. The rainfall reduces the effects of the heat waves and makes the climate moderate and humid.



Kanpur Climate in Spring Season


In the spring season, the weather is cool and the sky is clear with ample sun shine. However the cool wind blows making the climate pleasant and fit for outdoor activities. The day times are pleasantly warm and the nights are comparatively cooler. This is the good time to enjoy sightseeing.

Last Updated: 01/10/2012

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