You Cannot Make Me Feel Comfortable That Way

You want me to get drunk

Thanks for telling me that you won't be telling me any thing related to your problems while you are drunk. I am not a regular one on booze, as I have no money to do this drinking business. However, I am sure that there won't be a shortage of stuff while I shall be there with friends. Although I would prefer some thing mild as I am bit girlish in matters like going hard on boozing. Do you like some thing like gin or wine with juice to get high? I can talk better about my problems, roses and love affairs while I am still sober but may be I shall be able to express my feelings better while i am a little high, who knows.

No way

I can imagine better, while I am not drunk and in right frame of my mind. I feel that this day is so special for us. Maybe this is just to celebrate together with the rest of the world. If we truly love our partners than this should be a Valentines Day every day, why should we wait for this day to show our feelings and emotions for them, why does any particular day has all that importance about it? On the other hand, if you want me to be a little more boasting type to make you feel that I love you; those are none of my basic ideas. I am no good at pretension business.

You know since I have nothing of that kind in my mind that people prefer to do in their first meetings and that too before knowing each other well. I am thinking in terms of taking it for another day and doing nothing more than that, I can go out and get a flower for my loved one from my garden any time I feel like and give it to her as symbol of my true love. I know it is one of the most orthodox ideas but that’s how I feel and have no intentions to cross my limits. Drunk or no drunk.

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny is simple and sober.

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Keywords :
Love , Drunk , Wait , Flower , Token , Symbol , Partners , Love you


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