Who Is A Literate Person?


“A man who doesn’t read is not above an illiterate person” – these words were told by Mark Twain, great English author. In short, learning is fruitful only if implemented in life correctly. Even if a person knows the art of read and write, if he doesn’t use it in his life, is he really benefitted? Not at all!


So, another question. What’s really meant by the term, literacy? A person who knows to read, write and calculate is surely a literate person. At least he should know to read and write to be included in the list of literates. Then arises the second question. Is it sufficient? Suppose a person holds high degrees from world’s top universities. He is equally verse in 7 or 8 different languages. But he is appointed in a region where he is not even able to understand or communicate with common man in local language, can he be called a literate person? Doesn’t it indirectly imply that he too is an illiterate person? Yes it is!


So, to be literate doesn’t mean, one should learn something or simply read or write in his native or favourite language. His literacy becomes complete only if he is able to communicate in an efficient manner with the society where he stands and with the people, who he deals with. A person can be grouped under literate only if he is able to stand independently in the society he lives with his knowledge skills!


Same idea was put forward by UNESCO that celebrates World literacy day on September 8. Literacy is not just the ability of a person to sign a paper, writing his name. It is an ongoing study process. When society changes and its moral values, we too need to change with it and gather new information, as it is told, ‘When you are in Rome, do as Romans do’. Knowledge means freedom and right to express his ideas. Literacy is the basic weapon to fight against exploitation, no doubt! Without knowing what’s written in the paper, but know how to sign beneath it – does such literacy cost something? Does it cost something if you can’t count money or you still unaware of rights? So, literacy is complete only when we are able to find those criteria that keep us away from the existing society and reduce that difference.   

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles

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true literacy , what is literacy , Who is a literate person?


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