What Happens In Atherosclerosis - Go Through This Column To Know


I am sure everyone knows well, atherosclerosis is a disease related to heart when blood pumping is seriously affected. So, let me tell you different stages of this condition that results in heart stroke and similar heart diseases. Hoping you will be interested to know the different stages of its occurance.


Heart needs effortless assistance of blood vessels, both veins and arteries if it needs to pump blood well. But, in case blocks occur in the passage to free flow of blood and oxygen, heart becomes deficit of blood and air resulting in a stroke or attack. Why does it happen so? Very often free flow of blood through blood vessels is blocked by fat deposits; it results in high pressure in blood vessels too. It leads to high blood pressure as end result. 


Modern style of living gives us a lot of new things to eat, but we never care about burning of those excess calories through manual effort. Slowly bad cholesterol level of our body increases and fats get deposited everywhere, including both visible parts as well as internal organs. Now let me tell you how atherosclerosis occurs.


Stage one – When bad cholesterol gets deposited in blood vessels a lot of chemical reactions take place resulting in the combination of endotrilian cells with WBC. It results in swelling of blood vessels and defense cells get deposited with foam cells of fats.


Stage two - A thin membrane of plaque forms inside blood vessels. When it is in the initialized state, it can be termed as the first stage of atherosclerosis. Now factors like fibrin join hands with it to enlarge this simple plaque. It enlarges to form a fiber cap.


Stage three – Now it’s the final and serious stage. Substances released by foam cells freeze this fiber cap resulting in rupture. As a result blood clot occurs inside blood vessels resulting in the block of blood and oxygen through vessels.


So, what’s the solution?


Solution is nothing, but to live a healthy living. Practise good diet as well as good manual exercises to dilute those fat deposits each time they occur. If your mind is determined so, nothing can prevent you from attaining this task.      


Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles


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Keywords :
atherosclerosis , reasons behind atherosclerosis , phases of atherosclerosis , solution to atherosclerosis


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