What Are Those Food Items That Increase Cholesterol Levels?


Good food can give good health as well as reduce bad cholesterol levels of our body. Similarly bad food can increase bad cholesterol LDL levels many fold. So through this column let me tell you which food items should we reduce to control cholesterol.


Egg – It’s small in size, yet it includes almost all vital nutrients needed for our body as well as cholesterol. Though it’s an excellent supplier of proteins, it’s an excellent donor of bad cholesterol too. An egg yolk can give you more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol freely.


Body organs containing fat and cholesterol – Organ meat – brain, liver, intestine, heart, lungs, tongue and gizzards are favourites of some people. But they are sources of cholesterol as well.


Bakery sweets with excess trans fat – Trans fats give a lot of health related problems. Vanaspathi – the substitute of ghee and butter is very harmful to our body and most bakery items are fried using this ‘poison’.


Excess sugar leads to fat – Excess sweets reduces good cholesterol levels – says researches. It increases triglycides as well. As per common opinion, if we take three cups of tea or coffee a day, our daily quota of sugar is completed and anything supplied later in the form of sweets is excess.


Drinking and smoking – It’s a myth that drinking habit melts body cholesterol. Actually it’s true in the case of red wine only if taken in moderate levels. Smoking gives atherosclerosis, thus damaging your heart.


Excess intake of food – Obviously excess food gives excess calories. If not burned those excess calories, it will be added to your body as pounds giving rise to many health problems including cholesterol.


Sea food including mussels and oysters – Prawns, oysters, crab, squid, oysters etc are abundant reservoirs of cholesterol. If taken in moderate level sea food is good for health but avoid fried items.


Red meat gives heart diseases – Mutton and beef fall in this category. Both are not good for health if not taken in lesser quantities.


Processed food – Those processed cans add chemicals and excess salt to store food for long days. They should be avoided as much as possible as they are not at all good for your health.


Excess oil – It’s the source of all dangers and health related problems to humans. Though oil makes our food tasty they harm our health too. All oils are not good for your heart, so never go for those ads.

Article Posted By : Sandhya RanilView All Articles


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Keywords :
cholesterol levels , food items that cause cholesterol , cholesterol


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