Try To Act Formal To Keep Your Relations Sweet


Keep your relations alive

The relation in between a couple is like a silken thread that can break with slightest of stresses never to take its original shape back. Most couples go through the phases when they feel that they have no more love left in between them. Fact is they can have as much love with each other with little bit of precaution and care as much they had just after their marriage.

Importance of formalities

Surprised but true in most other relations you feel comfortable with informal relations but some times being too informal makes life dull especially while one of the spouses likes it that way. What I feel is that most disputes in between husbands and wives take place because they feel their spouses are not behaving the way they used to behave a couple of years before or until a couple of years after their marriages.

It is a common problem that almost every couple faces some time or the other during their married life. I think one of the main reasons could be the end of formal relations in a married couple’s life. I can suggest you one important factor that could be useful that if you bring some of the formalities back to your relations, you would feel that your relations are improving and coming back to track.

Wife needs special attention

In most cases, the role of a husband remains almost the same but wife feels as if her personality has no meanings but that of a house worker, here lies the root of problem. Make her feel like homemaker and not as a house worker. That would need your efforts to keep her in good mood and feel important. Maybe you shall have to be a little formal and treat her the way you treated her before marriage while dating her. Take her to dinners like before or gift her frequently and see the difference.

Try to take it this way

Do you remember the days while you were newly married and would take her out almost every evening for dinner or movies and now you feel that there in nothing to treat her that way but she should ask you take her for outings. That is the basic difference, take the initiative and ask her the way you used to day initially or before marriage. Every thing would be as it used to be. Keep some of the formal ways in your married life and see the difference.

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny knows the value of formality.

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Keywords :
Couple , Relations , Formal , Importance , Newly married , Housemaker


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