Tips For Twitter


When we become a member of a social networking site that means we making friendship with the world and it is very easy to improve friends. Before becoming a member of the sites like twitter and Facebook you need to follow a few rules and tips.

  1. You need to post an interesting tweet on twitter first later others will follow you. But you don’t think others should tweet first.
  2. As a member of the twitter, the rest of the people keep their personal things as tweet like they had a tasty meal last night or they prepared a wonderful dish by watching on television. But such tweets are unnecessary for the others. So people will feel there is no specialty and interesting your tweet and people will stop seeing your tweets.
  3. Don’t ever post the tweets like “you were thinking about them the whole day and all “. This is not at all correct. When you tweet such tweets you need to mention their names or else no one will understand and you can only understand them.
  4. As much as possible, try to post interesting tweets. Your tweets should be understandable by others. That’s means just brief.
  5. You have to maintain secrecy while posting tweets. Your tweets should be understandable by others. That means just brief.
  6. Social networking sites are the sites which increase our network.
  7. If you find any tweet related to you is posted by others then you need to say thank you as a manners.
  8. You never discuss about any issues which cause controversy and don’t post the photos related to it. Your tweets may see by your superior, colleagues, family members, friends and many people can watch them. Don’t ever post tweets by criticizing others.
  9. How much carefully we prepare mail and send to your superiors that much carefully we have to post tweets. We should proof read the words written by you before posting it. When people recognize you they should get a good opinion on you.
  10. Without bothering others don’t ever tweet continuously especially by criticizing others. We should observe others tweets and react accordingly.
  11. Twitter is a social networking site. Everyone post their own opinions. Some may do not accept your tweets. So they may tweet against our opinions. At such situation don’t ever respond immediately. It is good to take it easy.
Article Posted By : sarala smileylView All Articles

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Keywords :
Social media , social networking sites , twitter and its rules


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