The Deadline Time In News Agency


The time when a newspaper has to be published, no matter what, is known as a deadline. The time of deadline is the tensest part of newspaper publication. A newspaper’s business depends on whether a particular project has been completed before the deadline.

By the time the first page make-up has been determined; the deadline for the first edition is approaching. Dummies of the front page to go to the city, national and foreign editors and to the make-up editor. Guided by it, the copydesks write the proper headlines for the designated stories. Proofs from the composing room have been distributed, read, corrected if necessary and the stories reduced in length if required. The make-up editor and his assistants, informed as to the news and the length of stories by means of proofs, go to the composing room.

The make-up work proceeds in early by fixed schedule. Some newspapers set an early deadline for the financial news so that the back pages are out of the way when the rush of general news make-up begins. The schedule may call for the closing of from four to sixteen page forms every twenty closing of from four to sixteen page forms every twenty minutes, depending on the number of pages in the issue and on the newspaper’s size and facilities. Each page form, when loosed, is removed from the stone to a pressure machine for the making of a matrix, which is an impression of the type of a heavy papier mache sheet. This matrix, or “mat”, is conveyed to the stereo typing room where a metal cast is made. The cast, which prints that page of the newspaper, is then clamped to the rotary press.

The first page form usually is the last to be filled. At times pages are held for a few minutes in order to get into the first edition last-minute story, but delay is avoided when possible. The time of the deadline has been set to meet circulation requirements and a few minutes lost in the composing room may cause tardy deliveries at trains for distribution in the suburbs and elsewhere.

Article Posted By : prajwal316lView All Articles

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deadline , edition


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