Taking Care Of Children's Teeth


It is a false belief in parents that milk tooth do not have any importance as they are to be replaced soon by permanent tooth.

Parents begin to consider the task of brushing teeth important only when the child begins to go to school. But, this task should not be idled thinking that the child is small and it is not necessary to brush their teeth daily. Children’s tooth generally begins to grow when they are about six months old. These first set of tooth are called milk teeth, may be because they are grown at the stage of feeding the child with milk or because they are in the color of white milk. About 20 milk teeth will be grown by the age of three years. Do not think that there is no need to give attention to milk teeth as they are to be fallen soon. Milk teeth have great importance.

Milk teeth play an important role in determining the growth of the cheek bone and the position of new coming permanent tooth. Milk tooth is also essential for the proper growth of kid’s face. Decayed milk tooth can give way to growth of new false permanent tooth.

Before teeth grows

Protection of teeth should begin when small protruding appears on jaws itself. Otherwise, it can even affect the growth of teeth and give way for cavities and decays. Parents should have the same interest in brushing children’s teeth like when buying chocolate for them. In most of the houses brushing teeth is like a war between parents and children. Most parents give up these wars. But, kids can own strong tooth if they give attention in caring their teeth from the first time onwards.

The kid’s jaw can be cleaned using a sponge or cloth dipped in hot water before the arrival of first set of tooth. With the arrival of milk teeth, parents should pay more attention in the care of your kid’s teeth. One of the reasons to get tooth decays in this age is feeding habit. The reason of tooth decay in 90% of the children is associated with their consumption of milk. This type of tooth decay known as nursing bottle caries occurs as a result of feeding kids with milk or juice and leaving their mouth unwashed.

This mainly affects the tooth in the front row. First signs of this disease are associated with small color changes in some parts of the teeth. Gradually it affects rest of the tooth in the back row. This disease is mainly seen in children who are given with milk before sleep. It is better to stop this habit.

Sugar and other habits

The main reason for decaying of tooth is consumption of sweets. Leave the type of sweets that cause severe problems to teeth. Clean the kid’s teeth thoroughly soon after eating sweets. Don’t buy sweets for children that stick to the teeth.

Tooth is very important, and you can make them healthy by giving simple care to them.

Article Posted By : niranjanajunarlView All Articles

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Keywords :
children's teeth , teeth , taking care of teeth , parenting , children , food , nutrition


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