Sugar Is Must But Take Care

We love to eat sugar

Most of us love to eat sweets whether our own local brands or big corporate brands like chocolates from Cadburys and Amul. Some of us who are suffering from diabetes cannot resist the temptation of eating sugary items even knowing fully well that it can cause them serious health problem. But did you ever think that why most of us like to eat sweets despite its adverse effects? As per authentic reports, sugar is must for our body needs because it plays a vital role to keep us alive.

Sugar is life

In layman’s language, when we eat our intestines absorb sugar glucose from the food intake and mixed in our blood which is distributed in muscle cells according to their needs.  Sugar has extra importance for our brain so that it can work properly and only source of energy for hundred billion muscle cells called neuron. Since neurons have no capacity to store energy, therefore these cells need a regular supply of energy through blood. Perhaps this is the reason that diabetes patients stand a chance to go into coma, a state of unconsciousness. You would be surprised to know that a mere taste of sugar can boost up working process of our brain to a considerable level.

Sweets can cause obesity

One of the bad effects caused by consumption of sweets is obesity and more so in children due to refined sugar that contains more sweetness, which can cause major health related issues and obesity is one of them. Although the fact remains that infants prefer taste of sweet more than other tastes their priority on sweet taste is evolutionary.

Types of sugar

There are different types of sugars although it is not easy to classify these, found in our food items due to different names used in different products but ‘ose’ is common in last for sugary contents.

1- Glucose- Common sugar mixes easily in our blood. It is normally consumed in form of table sugar and is half of sucrose also known saccharine or saccharose.

2- Fructose- This sugar is found mainly in fruits etc in natural form and is another half of saccharose.

3- saccharose- The common most form of natural sugar used in daily life also known as table sugar manufactured by sugarcane or beetroots.

4- Lactose- Sugar found in different quantity in milks, for example cow milk contains less than 5% sugar while camel milk contains high level of insulin that helps diabetic patients.

5- Maltose- Maltose is neither table sugar nor a regular food item but malt sugar, can best be describes as two units of glucose which are used for different purposes by persons who do not want to use natural sugar for health reasons.  

Article Posted By : sunylView All Articles

Suny consumes sugar as per body needs.

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Keywords :
Sugar , Life , obesity , Glucose , Maltose , Sweets , Chocolates , Foods , Human


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